In December 2021, Dr. Williamson received her Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy. She has also received multiple national and international media features and mentions, and several awards for her leadership capabilities to include: selection as one of Dallas Top 25 women and the honor as one of the Female Success Factor Award recipients for 2016, the 2017 and 2018 Indie Author Literary Trailblazer Award, Global Smashers Award, Who’s Who in Black Dallas Publishing, and Indie Author Legacy Award in 2017 and 2018, a 2018 African American Literary Award, a 2020 African American Literary Award for Self-Published Author of the Year Award, and a 2021 Trailblazer Award in Media.
Through a widely supported Housing Development Initiative, Cheryl Polote Williamson and the Soul Reborn charge she leads, educates individuals and communities on crime statistics, employment opportunities, business creation and development, financial and family services, and a variety of resources. She has fed and clothed thousands and given to a number of communities, organizations, and causes. She has led many to opportunities for employment and created countless outreach and volunteer opportunities.
As an international speaker and multi-best selling author Cheryl has accomplished a myriad of milestones over her 30+ year career as a leader. For a visual snapshot of her latest accomplishments, hit the link below.